Unlocking a reuse revolution: scaling returnable packaging

27th November,2023 Download

A reuse revolution is critical to tackling the plastic waste and pollution crisis: this study offers insights and recommendations to design and scale returnable packaging and make that revolution a reality. This new study by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, in collaboration with Systemiq and Eunomia, shows how a reuse revolution can combat the plastic crisis.

Moving from single-use to reuse models presents one of the biggest opportunities to reduce plastic pollution. It is estimated that moving to reuse models can provide an over 20% reduction in total annual plastic leakage to the ocean by 2040. This study focuses on business-to-customer returnable packaging, where customers purchase products — just as they normally would, but in reusable packaging, which is then returned to be professionally cleaned and refilled, before being placed back on the shelf.

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