
Waves roll in over the black volcanic sand on Sogsogan, a beach in southern Bali. Further out, surfers prepare to master the swell. Bali has long been a tropical paradise destination, but the waves, long beaches, palm trees and party lifestyle associated with the island are overshadowed by an intruder disrupting the idyll.

Plastic bottles, single-use containers, and plastic straws are scattered across the beach….

A recent feature on the global environmental news hub Mongabay focused on the fight against plastic waste in Bali, from beach litter-picking volunteers, to the large-scale work of Project STOP. The report examines the project’s plans in the western district of Jembrana, and quotes Joi Danielson, programme director for ocean plastics at SYSTEMIQ, on the need to support Indonesia’s coastal communities.

Read the full report here.

Original reporting by Johan Augustin & Jonas Gratzer for Mongabay.

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