
SYSTEMIQ is excited to be embarking on our new Knowledge Partnership with the Ellen MacArthur Foundation. Circular Economy principles are pivotal to accelerating system level change and delivering superior  economic, environmental and social outcomes. The Ellen MacArthur Foundation is a disruptive thought leader within this space and we are looking forward to working with this team of good friends, to expand the knowledge frontier and create market leading opportunities within the circular economy.

Building on a longstanding relationship with Ellen MacArthur and her team, SYSTEMIQ co-founder Martin Stuchtey described the Knowledge Partnership as “One of best opportunities to link Circular Economy pioneers, drive industrial innovation, mobilize smart capital and pioneer system level change in Europe and the world”.

“This partnership builds on the Foundation’s longstanding collaboration with SYSTEMIQ’s founding partners Martin Stuchtey and Jeremy Oppenheim. Our work together on the Towards the Circular Economy report series, on Growth Within and on Project MainStream initiatives, established the economic rationale for the circular economy, placing it firmly on global business and policymaker agendas. Short URL We look forward to continuing our collaboration to identify and catalyse new circular economy opportunities that can move us towards the systemic shift our economy needs to work in the long term.”
– Ellen MacArthur, founder, the Ellen MacArthur Foundation

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