SYSTEMIQ brings together global leaders from business, finance, government and civil society around a joint vision: more sustainable, resilient and productive economic systems, for a better world.
Building coalitions

Systemic change is rarely driven by one single company or organisation. We need collective action to create new economic models.
We can all be innovators
Pioneers develop the breakthrough technologies that unlock economic opportunities. Leading corporates have the established market knowledge, infrastructure and balance sheet to drive decisive change. Finance players provide the money to scale up investment. Policy makers shape the market in which they all operate. And NGOs and local communities hold the power to influence the public debate.
They can all be innovators. And together, we can take on the biggest global challenges and deliver system change now.

We can all be innovators
Pioneers develop the breakthrough technologies that unlock economic opportunities. Leading corporates have the established market knowledge, infrastructure and balance sheet to drive decisive change. Finance players provide the money to scale up investment. Policy makers shape the market in which they all operate. And NGOs and local communities hold the power to influence the public debate.
They can all be innovators. And together, we can take on the biggest global challenges and deliver system change now.
Fostering trust and a shared vision of the future
A shared vision is a powerful platform for action. SYSTEMIQ creates unique coalitions across the global energy, materials and land use systems. This means mobilising decision-makers and influencers from business, finance, government, civil society and academia: together, we shape a shared vision of the future and ignite collective action. We enable stakeholders with different starting-points to nurture trust, and agree on why and how to transform economic systems.
As a convener and programmatic leader, SYSTEMIQ helps translate complex scientific evidence into intelligible roadmaps for sustainable systems. The power of a collective voice lifts our communications and advocacy; we are uniquely placed not only to demonstrate the economic and environmental benefits of change, but also to show how joint action can drive it. We urge private and public stakeholders to adopt these change agendas for themselves – reaching beyond the usual audience of converts to engage influential sceptics too.

"The IPCC says we must, the ETC says we can."
Christina Figueres, Convener of Mission 2020
The Energy Transitions Commission (ETC) combines leaders from industry, finance and climate advocacy. It aims to accelerate transitions to zero-carbon energy systems by using its unique voice and robust, action-oriented research to influence the global and regional energy agenda.
The ETC convenes powerful voices from across the global energy system. It includes major energy companies such as Royal Dutch Shell and Huaneg Group, global industrial groups such as ArcelorMittal, Tata and Veolia, financial giants such as HSBC, and leading NGOs – the World Resources Institute and Resources Institute India, among others.
Its members are committed to limiting the rise in global temperatures to well below 2°C. They have looked beyond their differences to jointly define feasible pathways to zero-carbon energy systems.
Its Mission Possible report has shifted the energy transition debate. It demonstrates that full decarbonization is technically and economically possible by mid-century; it highlights how to achieve this, even in the “harder-to-abate” sectors in transport and industry, such as shipping and plastics.
The ETC shaped the agenda of the Industry Track for the UN Secretary-General’s Climate Action Summit 2019. It continues to partner with the World Economic Forum to mobilise global industry leaders, as it looks to transform the Mission Possible vision into reality.
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More services
Accelerating business innovation
SYSTEMIQ identifies and invests in innovation that can drive essential system change. We do this by providing seed funding, advising on business strategy and engaging our network to help scale ideas.
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Advising pioneers
We work as strategic partners with companies, co-designing new business models and demonstrating how they can advance the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.
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Catalysing large-scale capital
There is also an unprecedented opportunity to invest for long-term sustainability. By shifting capital, we can achieve a low-carbon growth path which rapidly decarbonises industry and creates value for natural capital.
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