Systemiq Capital’s latest investment can help reduce shipping’s waste and emissions while supporting the industry’s transition towards zero-emissions fuels.

Systemiq Capital has just closed an investment into Nautilus Labs, the technology firm advancing the efficiency and transparency of ocean commerce through artificial intelligence with hubs in New York, Singapore, Paris, and London.
This investment was part of a $34 million Series B funding round, with Microsoft playing a leading role, with both M12 and the Climate Innovation Fund co-investing for the first time. It brings Nautilus’s total raised capital to over $48 million. Other investors included NSS Advisors, Root Ventures, Quiet Capital, TMV, and Amplifier.
”Nautilus's solution is facilitating collaboration and accountability, and allowing ship fleet owners, charterers, and downstream buyers to adopt a data-driven approach towards clean shipping.
Aparajit PandeyShipping Lead, SYSTEMIQ Ltd
The approach developed by Nautilus Labs leverages machine learning-based predictions to reduce fuel waste and emissions while maximising commercial returns by analyzing IoT data, weather patterns, arrival and departure times, and commercial needs. Systemiq Capital views Nautilus as a key enabler for the shipping industry to shift quickly towards zero emissions fuels: before it can decarbonise, shipping needs accurate greenhouse-gas data to optimise its operations and bring transparency to this part of the global transport system.
“Nautilus’s solution provides a critical first step in transitioning this opaque sector that is representing a growing share of the carbon budget,” says Georgina Fleming, Junior Partner at Systemiq Capital. “The CEO Matt Heider is highly mission-aligned and has built an outstanding team around him. We look forward to working closely with Nautilus and help accelerate their impact and commercial traction by linking them into our sustainable shipping work with our partner SYSTEMIQ Ltd.”
“The optimisation solutions provided by Nautilus can already bring tangible emission reductions for shipping companies, and paves the way towards the industry’s transition towards sustainable zero-emission fuels.” adds Aparajit Pandey, who leads shipping at SYSTEMIQ Ltd, the partner firm of Systemiq Capital and a leading climate systems-change company. “Furthermore, their solution is facilitating collaboration and accountability along a traditionally fragmented value chain, and allowing ship fleet owners, charterers, and downstream buyers to adopt a data-driven approach towards clean shipping.”
Systemiq Capital is an early-stage climate tech investor with deep networks globally that span corporates, policy makers, and leading research institutions. Systemiq Capital invests across four climate-critical themes, including clean transport, where the decarbonisation of shipping is crucial.